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All members of school staff who are involved in sports provision including breakfast, lunchtime and after school clubs will receive training in disability for sport and activity. The training will take place in the form of a workshop whereby information can be shared and changes implemented in order to ensure the sport provision is as accessible to disabled pupils and staff as possible. A follow up session will be arrange where changes can be evaluated by an expert and where appropriate further improvements enacted.


  • Disability in sport and activity expert to be engaged to deliver training workshop

  • All relevant staff members to attend and update teaching and coaching practices

  • All disabled pupils and staff to be encouraged to participate in sports sessions on a school wide basis

  • Follow up workshop to be arranged to gauge effectiveness of training

  • Questionnaires to be distributed to pupils to discover popularity of activities and effectiveness of improvements

  • Half term meetings to take place between sports coaches and

Nutrition & Obesity

1 fully qualified nutritional practitioner to attend school for 1 hour per week and deliver sessions during assemblies. Our goal is to ultimately inform the entire staff and pupil population about good nutrition and the role it plays in health and obesity. Nutrition will be linked to sports and activities throughout school providing a more wide ranging overall health programme.


  • Nutritional information to be delivered via assemblies with additional workbooks to  be handed out

  • All school staff and pupils required to attend including kitchen staff

  • Short test to be given to pupils to gauge effectiveness of training

  • School dining hall and breakfast / lunch options to reflect good nutritional practice including posters and leaflets promoting health options

If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss this further

or would like more information please please visit our contacts page

Disability, Nutrition & Obesity

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